Me and Mao

Daring to go where few freedom loving loiterers go, LWAT v Mao, smack down in T Square.
Perceptive viewers will note the disapproving grimace on my face which clearly indicates my disapproval for the Communist ideology which holds oppressing the masses for the benefit of a few as its guiding philosophy, and hence my separati, and hence my separation from the vanguard and hence need to eradicate me. Note also the Free Tibet t-shirt cunningly displayed beneath my shirt !!!
And no, the narrow eyes are not imitation - it was a bright day.

Welcome to China (Beijing, 25/08)

Spotted this little beauty in front of a new pedestrian mall in the middle of Beijing.
From best I can work out it is trying to say the following, from left to right:
  1. No East German Trabants
  2. No bicycles (We are capitalists now)
  3. No wheelchairs
  4. In either direction
  5. No dogs (uncooked)
  6. No war
  7. No love
  8. No bad card tricks
  9. No ice skating
  10. No drop punts
  11. No vomiting
  12. No surfing
  13. No Falun Gung
  14. No faiths of multiple Gods (Damned Hindus)
  15. No flying a kite
  16. No sleeping on top of each other in tents
  17. No P-ing
  18. No fires - especially under jugglers (Take note street performers)
  19. No mixing food and music
  20. No people (Every quasi Communists dream !!!!)