The Wisdom of Back Packers - pass the dooby to the left hand side

So I managed to finally extricate myself from Emery and Indira's spare room and am back on the road again, after a weekend in Michocan and a day in Mexico City... and immediately I am reminded of why I love hanging out with backpackers.
After landing in Puerto Escondido at 6 in the morning, with an eight hour overnight bus ride under my belt I managed to find my way to a youf hostel, and collapse in to bed. later in the day as I am sitting on the terrace, reading my book and enjoying the breeze I am joined by a multinational crew of young gentleman. The hot topic is dooby passing etiquette, with an American holding forth on his opinion -
Well I always pass to the left, but you know back home, if you pass it around it never comes back. But, yeah, here, usually I pass to the left, because you now, its just habit. Unless, you know, the person who rolled it is sitting on the right, in that case I would pass to the right, but usually, yeah, its to the left.
His German and Australian friend, nod at this sage advice and then give their opinion.
100,000 dead in Burma, an earthquake in China - just keep toking

Am I too old and cynical for this crap ?

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