It ain't all plain sailing

So you want to travel the world and be a bum - well a word of advice, it
isn't all plain sailing.
Try spending 8 hours on the bus from Livingstone to Lusaka - with crappy
Zambian and Botswanan gospel music playing at full volume all the way.
Or try getting up at 3.30am, having to wait two hours, then getting
cramped in to a Hiace with 19 other people, driving on a goat track
masquerading as a road for 8 hours in the midday sun at about 35 degrees.
Or try waiting in the bus terminal for 6 hours for the minibus to fill,
then 5 hours on the road, then two hours waiting, then another
3 hours on the back of a truck, to drop you in a tiny village in the
middle of nowhere, waiting to hitch a lift to the camp ground.

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