Arab street kids

Sitting outside eating dinner in the street in a little back alley on the edge of old Sanaa town, I was reminded clearly that I had slipped from Africa in to Arabia by the street kids. Arabic street kids have a certain look, they are more jaded than other street kids, they look older, more like little people than kids. They have the suit coats and the mannerisms of adults, and seem to carry themselves that way as well. The way they are treated by adults is a little different to, in Africa adults would shoo away kids, but here they get whacked with the broom, back handers to the head, and have their hijabs pulled whilst getting a boot up the arse.

Naturally being the little man that her slight older an about half an inch slightly taller brother stands up and starts swinging haymakers at the six foot hero who is pulling his sister's hair. Eventually the hero realises how pathetic he looks and backs away to the shop and the kids scamper off to no doubt do battle again.

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