Giddy up !!!
To the world Texas is famous for it's oil, the monkey they sent to the White House and its cowboys. (Funnily enough each pretty much has the same IQ) And in Texas, Fort Worth is cowboy capital. There are still stockyards in the town, filled with trailers (what we know as caravans) lived in by real modern day cowboys.
Whilst I didn't quite make it to the stock yards or see a rodeo (my fault Sarah, but it will draw me back) I did manage to get this photo out the front of the Cowboy Musuem. All I need now is a cowboy hat, a hubristic sense of imperialism and a curious inability to finish my sentences and I could become an honorary Texan. Yeahhhaaw
Whilst I didn't quite make it to the stock yards or see a rodeo (my fault Sarah, but it will draw me back) I did manage to get this photo out the front of the Cowboy Musuem. All I need now is a cowboy hat, a hubristic sense of imperialism and a curious inability to finish my sentences and I could become an honorary Texan. Yeahhhaaw
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