Ethiopia - a land unto itself

Ethiopia truly is different, something you notice everyday. As soon as you cross the border you go back six hours and about 8 years - they use the old Gregorian calendar, and the clock starts ticking at 6am rather than 12am. The people are different to the mixed Arab-Africans of Kenya and Tanzania, and the tribal and bantu peoples of Kenya, Uganda, and the more Arabic peoples of Sudan and Somalia. They have their own language Amharic (actually several), with its own script. They have their own religion, Ethiopian Orthodox, based on a story about the Queen of Sheba and the stealing of the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem. They have their own food, a great mix of desert simplicity and Italian flair. Almost all of the music they listen to is in their own language - three weeks without hearing any American R&B or pop rubbish - what a relief. The countryside is distinct - mountains, mountains and more mountains. And they have some very peculiar habits - everyone seems to like to piss and shit in the streets !!


1 comment:

marita said...

Interesting but dont have afew hours to read the mall hope you are downloading it all somewhere Marita