Hulk Hogan - Personification of America

Well I guess its true, old heroes never die, they just show the effects of drug use and have to sell out to anyone who will fork over the cash to keep that limelight deficiency disorder in check… Yep that is Hulk Hogan, the wrestler who dominated the WWF in the late 80’s and early 90’s, pounding the baddies to the canvas over and over.In a way the Hulk is a bit like the US – in the 80’s it was oh so easy – clearly the Russians (represented by Nikolai Volkov) and the Arabs (represented by the Iron Sheik) were the bad guys (maybe that’s why US troops in Iraq still get confused about how the Iraqis are on our side). Despite the fact that they cheated – sometimes with the collusion of the ref, in the end the Hulk would have them down for the count.In a way, Hulk is a great metaphor for today’s world. These days who knows who is the enemy despite massive promotional efforts by Vince McMahon/WWF and the Government alike no one is really sure who it is we are supposed to be fighting - some guy dressed in a sheet in a cave in Pakistan with his network of Internet fanatics – the enemy is everywhere and how can you body slam that. And just like the Hulk the good ol’ USA looks like it has seen better times as well – after all rampant laissez faire capitalism and the buyer takes all elections have had the same effect on the body politic as years of steroid use has on the wrestler’s body – some things you just can’t hide.We live in uncertain times, and an old wrestler has still got to make a buck…maybe to buy a little hair replacement cream !!


Daud Sembrono said...

Your mentions of moustaches, Iraq and Chuck reminded me of my favorite website:
Check out some of these undeniable truths:

There are no WMD in Iraq because Chuck Norris lives in the USA.

The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer.

Linger on Language Group said...

Yeah my favourite are

As posted on a sign on a lift house on the mountain in colorado

Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice


As seen on a sticker

Chuck Norris doesn't have a chin, its a third fist waiting to punch

Turns out though he is a wacko bible basher. Check out his own website - he even welcomes you to it with a personal message